Thursday, May 22, 2008

The fire still burns

I am getting more control over the element of Fire. I can easily make it move left, quite often right and can easily make it get bigger and taller. I can also make it flicker or hold still. I have had no success making it get smaller or go out. I think that as long as my skills are growing, I am on the right track for eventual success.
On the other hand, I had a great, first time success with Water!
Our area has a tiny bit of flooding. Nothing scary but the river has overflowed. I decided it would be a good time to attune myself to Water.
As a trial, I asked the river for a feather, to match the air challenge, and something silvery and manmade (I was thinking something like a quarter). I thought I would either get nothing or get some idea of how easy or difficult the Water challenge would be.
I had complete success!!! I stood in the edge of the overflowing river and a feather and a silver spoon with three stars on it surfaced right by my feet! I was so surprised and elated!
Now, to finish the last two. Earth and Fire!
Blessed Be.

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